
Anthems: Week Three

Published on: 19th September, 2019
In the third week of the "Anthems" series, Pastor Nate Gagne reads from Psalm 109 which speaks about responding in love & letting God remove the roadblocks of adversity to your dreams. The artist of that Psalm, David, had a lot of similar experiences to the artist of a popular song today. Little Nas X who wrote the song 'Old Town Road' could have given up on his dream of being a rapper when his parents didn't believe he would make it, however, he worked through social media to get noticed. Once he finally attained his dream, adversity from the Country Music elite struck him down. He could have given up or tried to get even, but instead he went back to what got him to where he was, in this case social media, and recruited a 'real' country artist to sing with him & 'legitimize' his song. Similarly, King David who wrote Psalm 109 could have given in at many points throughout his life, but God had given him a dream to be king & God took care of all the adversity that came against him.
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