
Stories: Week 6

Published on: 12th December, 2017
In the 6th installment of the "Stories" series, Pastor Nathan Gagne reads from Luke chapter 1 in which Jesus' humble beginnings are laid out. Prior to His birth, God sent an angel to Mary to deliver the news that she would carry Jesus although she was a virgin. Although she was confused, as this was a major interruption in her life (one which would cause much skepticism & judgement), she willingly received God's will. Pastor Nate relates this to his own word from God to have a 4th son although he & his wife had planned to stop at 3 children. This decision almost cost his wife her life due to many postpartum complications. Although it is easy to become angry with God when He interrupts our plans, faith is believing that although it may not seem it in the moment, His plans are greater than our own.
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